Implementation of the Code by higher education institutions and non-HEI research institutions
Implementation and recognition is possible according to different variants.
Since the Code of Conduct came into force on 1 August 2019, all HEIs and non-HEI research institutions have been required to implement Levels 1 and 2 of the Code’s 19 guidelines in a legally binding manner in order to receive funding from the DFG.
Implementation and recognition is possible according to different variants:
- Higher education institutions and non-HEI institutions are responsible for implementing the guidelines of the Code in a legally binding manner (standard case).
- If a non-HEI (research) institution cannot implement the guidelines on its own authority, there are two further options: the cooperation model and the backup model.
Detailed information on implementing the Code, Model Statutes of the German Rectors’ Conference and a non-ninding template for Cooperation Agreement can be found under
Notes on Implementation of the Code of ConductFAQ Implementation of the GuidelinesOn this topic see also
“What innovations does the code of conduct ‘Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice’ bring compared to the previous white paper?” Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung – Issue 1-2/2021 (available in German only)